&size(22){Koji Uryu};

PhD  University of Tokyo (1995)


[[Personal page>http://www.phys.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/~uryu/]]
Office: Science Collaboration Center bldg. 507
e-mail: uryu_at_sci.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
&size(22){Keisuke Taniguchi};
&size(18){Associate Professor};



Office: Science Collaboration Center bldg. 505

&size(18){Research Field};
Relativistic Astrophysics, Numerical Relativity and Gravitaitonal Wave Physics

&size(18){Research Interest};
&size(16){  };
Binary black holes and neutron stars in a close orbit, and a largely deformed 
rapidly rotating compact object, are strong gravitational wave sources, 
which may be detectable by the interferometric dectors on the ground 
(LIGO/VIRGO/GEO600/TAMA) and in the space (LISA/DECIGO).   
Accurate knowledge of such compact objects is crucial to develop theoretical 
models for associated gravitational waveforms that enhance the chances for 
detecting the signal in the noisy output of the laser interferometers.
We have been developing new formulation and numerical method for computing 
quasi-equilibriums solutions of such systems, which are used as initial data 
sets for accurate simulations of numerical relativity, and sources to 
produce gravitational wave templates.

&size(18){Teaching and Outreach};


[[Personal page>http://www.phys.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/~uryu/]]
Office: Science Collaboration Center bldg. 507
e-mail: uryu_at_sci.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

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